Monday, March 26, 2012

I joined Weight Watchers about 6 weeks ago and I am LOVING it! I have finally found something that works for me. YAY!!!! I had my first child 21 years ago, my second, 20 years ago, and my baby just turned 17! I think it's about time to lose MY BABY WEIGHT! I have lost 14 pounds since February 9th and I have about 30 more pounds to go until I reach my goal. My husband and 2 best friends are doing it as well so that's a HUGE advantage having such great support.

Weight Watchers works for me because I don't really feel like i am on a "diet". I can basically eat all the foods that I like. It's all about portion control, choices, and tracking. There are online tools and phone apps that are awesome! I chose to attend meetings AND use the online tools/phone app. My phone is great for tracking because it's always with me. As soon as I put something in my mouth, I track it. It's fast and simple and then I don't have to worry about forgetting to write something down. It does all the calculations for me and I know exactly how many points I have left for the day so I can plan on looking forward to either my glass of wine or my WW ice cream bar for dessert. I don't feel deprived at all.

My goal is to look like my "Talk Show Ho" Avitar! But maybe not the yellow hair :)

 Join Weight Watchers now

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